There was an attempted coup in Hungary

There was an attempted coup in Hungary

Hungarian intelligence services report that they prevented the seizure of power in the country by the illegal group “Scythian Hungary“.

According to investigators, eight suspects were preparing the rebellion.

This was reported by the National Police Department. At the moment, all the “rebels” have been taken into custody.

The group threatened to disarm Hungarian police and military if they resisted.

In addition, they promised to arrest both former and current government members.

“Since it could not be ruled out that members of the organization had firearms, the NBI contacted the Anti-Terrorism Center with a request to conduct raids,” the statement said.

According to the investigation, “Scythian Hungary” appeared in November 2023.

As a result of the operation, law enforcement officers arrested 11 people. Among the seized items, documents were found denying the existence of the Hungarian state.