У Молдові іноземець вчинив стрілянину в аеропорту

In Moldova, a foreigner committed a shooting at the airport

Moldovan media report that shots were fired at the Chisinau airport, passengers are being evacuated from the building.

According to preliminary information, an unknown man fired several shots at the ceiling and barricaded himself inside the airport.

Information has just appeared that a foreigner arranged the shooting, he was not allowed into Moldova upon arrival from Turkey.

According to unconfirmed information, he killed the border guard with his own weapon. While he barricaded himself indoors.

It is reported that the attacker was neutralized, he mortally wounded two people.

There was also information that the attacker, who shot at the airport in Chisinau, was a Russian, and he was from the Wagner PPK.

Telegram channel Real war | Ukraine says:

“The man who shot at the Chisinau airport is a Russian from the Wagner PPK, the pulsmedia portal reports.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova reported that there were two victims2.