Adidas has banned the use of the number “44”

It became known that Adidas urgently recalls from the sale of the German national team jersey with the number 44.

All because of the fact that the fonts of the fours were very similar to the symbols of the German fascist division SS. About this writes Bild.

In the German Football Association announced that no player of the German national team will not wear the number 44.

At the future European Championship, all players of the German national team will appear in shirts with numbers from 1 to 23.

Adidas has banned the use of the number "44"

The company has also banned the addition of Fuhrer or Hitler inscriptions when customizing the national team design jersey in the Adidas online store.

But athletes can, for example, choose surnames such as Goebbels or Goering.

Video. Who were the SS? – World War 2